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Everything You Need to Know About Food Miles

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Not a lot of people think about how long their food has traveled or has been prepared when they do their usual grocery shopping. These are things that any environmentalist will think about, though, in regard to their food. When you say food miles, you are referring to the distances that your food has to travel from where it came from to you as the consumer. You may live in Europe and buy fruits from Africa or live in North America and purchase poultry from Southeast Asia. Whichever applies to you, at the end of the day, you still don’t look into the distance your food has traveled when you purchase them. It is important to bear in mind, though, that food miles always have a significant influence on the amount you pay for your groceries as well as the environment. If you are probably wondering, why is food transported?

Thus, can you say that food miles are crucial? When you have food that originates from other places, most likely, it is being driven, flown, or sea-freighted across locations. Carbon footprints are created every time food is transported between locations. These footprints are the outcome of the CO2 being produced by the transportation utilized. Simply, when food has to be transported further from its source, then it’s highly likely to cause more pollution. From this statement, you know how important food miles are and why they are an important factor on a worldwide scale. People and organizations must make an effort to control them. Continue reading this food miles article to learn more.

The demand for food dictates the need for transporting it. The demand for seasonal food that has been produced or grown locally has gone down because staple foods available the whole year can be transported from other countries. Keeping track of food miles is not an easy task. Nevertheless, each day, it is becoming more and more important as consumers realize its importance. Learning more about food miles is the only way for consumers to achieve a long-term change in the way they purchase food.

Once consumers reconsider their use of produce within the season, they can significantly reduce food miles. When everyone decides to contribute to reduction in food miles, then reduction in CO2 output and pollution is also expected. So, what do you do to contribute to the reduction in food miles every time you go shopping? When you are going to buy fresh produce, take the time to consider the country of origin. You will find this piece of information on every pack. Take the time to consider whether you need to buy items that come from other parts of the world or if you can still find alternatives locally. Take the time to know which produce is seasonal and which ones are not. When you are well aware of these things, then you know which produce you can buy at certain times of the year, contributing to the overall reduction of food miles. Find out more about food here: